Tuesday, March 4, 2008

It's Alive!!

Finally, nearly 40 hours after pitching my first yeast, and after pitching a total of 3 times the normal amount of yeast, I've finally got fermentation!

After moving the fermenter upstairs over Monday night, hoping that the warmer temperature would help jump-start my yeast, I still had no activity. I took a small wort sample so I could measure the ph, and found that it appeared to be in the 5.3 range, which is pretty good. So, I decided to pitch my second (and last) package of US-05 at about 6:45 am. Low and behold, about four hours later while I was at lunch, it had started! Whew, it's about time. The thermometer on the outside of the bucket say 65 degrees, which is about perfect. The fermenter is still sitting on my kitchen counter, but depending on how warm it is when I get home from work, I will either leave it there or take it back to the basement. Here's a picture of my krausen forming:

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